Look at the point spread on THAT one!

I absolutely LOVE my wife! Among the many reasons is that she makes me laugh and isn’t afraid in the least to laugh at herself! Last night, Lisa and I went to bed around 11pm and we did our little routine of shutting off the lights, etc and so we found ourselves walking across a dark house towards the hall that leads to our bedroom. I had seen that one of the kids had left an oversized ‘bouncy-ball’ on the landing, just in front of the hallway, so, not wanting Lisa or I to trip over it in the dark, I gave it a little kick and sent it rolling downstairs…Lisa didn’t see the ball, nor did she see me kick it. I heard her pause and she said, ‘Who’s there?’ Not quite sure what she was talking about, I stopped and turned and saw her with her head slightly ‘cocked’ sideways, looking downstairs. Again, she said, ‘Who’s there?...Did you see it?...Was that a Deer?’ At that point, I finally realized what had happened and I said, ‘No dear, that’s a ball! She saw this ‘shadowy figure’ bounding gracefully down the stairs and associated that with a Deer bounding gracefully across a field…

We laughed until our sides hurt and tears came to our eyes!

I LOVE my wife!!!

~ V


Lisa Howard said...

Thank you so much, DEER, for sharing this with EVERYONE WE KNOW!!!

hey mommy said...

Ahahhhaaaaaahhhhhaa. That's awesome!

New Year, New Look, Another Try

Lisa and my daughter Hope, both told me last night that they missed my blogging and that I should write again. So, I brought up the site...d...